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13 We are writing to you only about things that you yourselves can read and understand. And I hope that you will understand completely one day. 14 You do not understand us completely yet. But I hope that you will understand completely on the day when our Lord Jesus returns. Then you can be proud of us in the same way that we will be proud of you.

15-16 So, because I was sure that you trusted me, I wanted to visit you twice. Then I could bring God's help to you twice. I decided to visit you first on my way to Macedonia.[a] Then I would visit you again on my way back from Macedonia. After that, you could help to send me on my journey to Judea.[b]

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  1. 1:15-16 Macedonia was north of the country that is called Greece now.
  2. 1:15-16 Judea was the south region of Israel.